- To attend the fair as a trader, it is voluntary to pre-register as one beforehand through the online registration form.
- All traders will be added to the trader's list on the MotoNostalgia website.
- A trading place costs the same as a regular visitor's ticket. At the event you will just need to show a ticket for each person. Trading places are located on an asphalt-covered ground. All information about prices can be found here.
- It is allowed to trade with antiques, such as vintage technology, property and everything related to those. It is strictly forbidden to trade with any kind of cut-and-thrust weapons or fire-arms, explosives or parts of those also objects similar to any kind of weapons or explosives (replicas). Ban on sale is effective nevertheless those above-mentioned items are deactivated or not, nor if they have sales permission or not.
- Borders of the trading places are marked with white paint on the ground and are not numbered. Traders are placed in the order of arrival.
- The gates at Porsche Ring will open on Sunday morning at 08:00, anyone arriving earlier than that is not allowed to enter.
- There is a MotoNostalgia instructor in place on Sunday from 08:00 until 17:00. In all questions, you can also turn to the Ares Security security guard.
- NB! The trading places are located on an asphalt-covered ground, therefore fixing tents with pickets or any other hole punching items is not permitted. We ask you to place some extra weight in your tent though because strong winds can occur.